Saturday, February 7, 2009

A small matter of freedom of speech

Back in 1894 Florence Kate Upton could have had no idea of the ructions her Golliwogg ragdoll would later cause in some places.

But time waits for none and despite
an economic tsunami storming in, the British Broadcasting Corporation prefers to debase (no not debate) rights and freedoms.

Golli, was that a foolish move.

See how this once cherished broadcaster responds to anyone egregious enough to suggest that Golliwogg and free speech may just be two sides of the same coin?

"Thank you for your e-mail.
Carol Thatcher's remarks were not made in private but in a BBC Green Room in front of a number of people including BBC staff and caused great offence to those who heard them.
The One Show had hoped that Carol would issue an unconditional apology to those whom she had offended. Unlike other presenters who have found themselves at the centre of a news story in the past, Carol declined to do so.
As a result, her position on The One Show is no longer tenable and there are no plans to work with her in the future on that show. This is because her role as a roving reporter requires her to report on a wide variety of issues and to meet a diverse range of people throughout the country, many of whom are unlikely to agree that her remarks were acceptable even as a joke.
This does not mean she is banned from the BBC as a whole but simply she is no longer able to fulfil her current role on The One Show.
The BBC considers any language of a racist nature to be wholly unacceptable."

BBC One controller Jay Hunt is apparently author of this charming piece of mind control. To you, Thought Controller Hunt, Golliwogg says "golliwog, golliwog and more golliwog."
Now go tell the headmistress.

....and here's another hapless defender of mind control.

... meanwhile look a whole Golli Figurines gallery

... Golli! Was there really "A secret parliamentary society?"

....another online Gollifest.


Hacked Off said...

Obviously a standard letter / email, mine was identical.

The Penguin

Anonymous said...

Errrr - I'm not a Gollliwog: I'm a Taffiwog. Am I allowed to be here?

Anonymous said...

I saw the Hunt woman (yes, don't be fooled by her Christian name, it is a woman) interviewed on Breakfast on BBC1 by Bill & Sian (hope I've got their names right, I do so enjoy watching those two when they're on Breakfast).
Not a pleasant sight early in the morning, eyes blazing, determined to proclaim Political Correctness in a sanctimonious sort of way, despite Bill's would-be placating comments. The PC Bodysnatchers had obviously been there. I just switched channels thinking 'another overpaid & underskilled BBC employee'. Anyone else see the interview & what did you think?

Bernard said...

The 1936 Christmas edition of the Radio Times has a Golliwogg on the front cover. I have a jpeg of it.