Thursday, February 5, 2009

Join The Golliwogg Club

By popular demand Florence Kate Upton the authoress of that 1894 classic: "The Adventures Of Two Dutch Dolls And A Golliwogg!" has posthumously blessed those who would revive her work.

While she freely admits that "in this tale, I set out initially to describe the Golliwogg as 'a horrid sight, the blackest gnome'," she did subsequently repent and "made him good, loveable and brave, giving him a 'kind face'."

So began a tale which led to the breakfast table thanks to a wellknown jam maker who turned Golliwogg into Golliwog launching generations of Golly collectors .

Tell us your Golliwogg/Golliwog experiences

Join The Golliwogg Club, help us revive an 1894 classic.


Anonymous said...

Free gollispeech!

Anonymous said...

Golliwogs unite! The pretentious world of the sanctimonious, supercilious Politically Correct must be smashed. Only the small minded, simplistic, intellectually challenged could see harm in a child's toy. This is the sort of thinking that defines 'black mood' as a racist comment. A pox on them and all their kind.