Saturday, February 14, 2009

Time to shine

Call your local Labour MP, read him/her a few select excerpts -- most apply -- or you might email them

Winston is in most libraries, also here or absolutely free here

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Freedom of speech must be non-negotiable

First it was Golliwoggs next it was....

Geert Wilders MP, maker of the film Fitna.

Golliwogg may disagree with his views but defends his democratic right to express them and that of his opponents to contest them, all in civilised discourse.

Foreign Secretary Miliband (he of bent banana moments) tells BBC's Hardtalk however that the film contained: "extreme anti-Muslim hate and we have very clear laws in this country".

Baroness Cox and Lord Pearson who nevertheless screened the film in the House of Lords, stated their views on Cranmer.

In the heat of all his fulsome objecting My Noble Lord Nazir Ahmed -- who threatened to bring out an army of supporters to disrupt parliament -- appeared unconcerned about other people's rights or his heavy blow against freedom of speech.

Do read on My Noble Lord:


Article 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

Article 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.

Golliwogg also wonders who showed any concern about apparent crimes of incitment as this happened outside the Danish Embassy in London?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Golliwog, Totem and Taboo

"..But is Carol Thatcher's little slip an instance of serious racism? On one level obviously not, but in race as in religion, symbolism is powerful. The way that we keep racism in check is to police these totem-words carefully. Why? Because racism is a subtle monster that is generally invisible; it consists of endless little negative assumptions about black people...That is why we need to invest certain speech-rules with such force. We need to demonstrate our awareness that we are somewhat infected still by the sins of our grandfathers, and that we repent of it..." - Theo Hobson for Spectator’s religion blog

As one, wiser than Golliwogg, already noted:
"The logic of the BBC's argument (and here Golli would say we should add Mr T. Hobson) is that the very mention of the word 'golliwog' is considered racist. Utterly preposterous."

Golliwogg does worry about the way thought manipulators - paid up preachers of the perversion of Political Correctness (PC) - twist and subvert the language at so many levels and applauds some recent remarks on the subject:

"Political correctness is an evasion of proper political argument"
or :
"Political Correctness, that vile, hideous, nasty canker in our society is in every sense to the BBC what MRSA is to Hospitals. "

So what does the dictionary say about the "contentious" Golli word?

"With all the furore caused by the use of the word golliwog, I decided to check my Concise Oxford Dictionary (1984 reprint) for its definition of the word. It says:
golliwog n. black-faced, brightly dressed doll soft doll with fuzzy hair [19th c, perhaps from golly + polliwog)
On polliwog it says:
polliwog n (dialect and US), tadpole [earlier polwigge, polwygle, from poll + wiggle].
On poll it says:
poll n. human head, part of this on which hair grows ~ poll tax."

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A small matter of freedom of speech

Back in 1894 Florence Kate Upton could have had no idea of the ructions her Golliwogg ragdoll would later cause in some places.

But time waits for none and despite
an economic tsunami storming in, the British Broadcasting Corporation prefers to debase (no not debate) rights and freedoms.

Golli, was that a foolish move.

See how this once cherished broadcaster responds to anyone egregious enough to suggest that Golliwogg and free speech may just be two sides of the same coin?

"Thank you for your e-mail.
Carol Thatcher's remarks were not made in private but in a BBC Green Room in front of a number of people including BBC staff and caused great offence to those who heard them.
The One Show had hoped that Carol would issue an unconditional apology to those whom she had offended. Unlike other presenters who have found themselves at the centre of a news story in the past, Carol declined to do so.
As a result, her position on The One Show is no longer tenable and there are no plans to work with her in the future on that show. This is because her role as a roving reporter requires her to report on a wide variety of issues and to meet a diverse range of people throughout the country, many of whom are unlikely to agree that her remarks were acceptable even as a joke.
This does not mean she is banned from the BBC as a whole but simply she is no longer able to fulfil her current role on The One Show.
The BBC considers any language of a racist nature to be wholly unacceptable."

BBC One controller Jay Hunt is apparently author of this charming piece of mind control. To you, Thought Controller Hunt, Golliwogg says "golliwog, golliwog and more golliwog."
Now go tell the headmistress.

....and here's another hapless defender of mind control.

... meanwhile look a whole Golli Figurines gallery

... Golli! Was there really "A secret parliamentary society?"

....another online Gollifest.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Oops over at Sandringham Souvenir Shop

Oops over at Sandringham Souvenir Shop predators are circling to embarrass Her Maj (and succeeding by some reports).

Local constabulary soon to deploy Golliwogg Squad?
Hmm takes a tough group of lads to bring Golli to book, just look at that kind smiling face.

Meanwhile Golliwogg "outrage" mounts, opprobrium rises and fame flames, see here and here and here and here and here and here.

Good thing, helps the booming trade in Golli goods.

Want to keep Golli alive? Toddle along and get yourself and all your friends a right royal Sandringham Golli or Balmoral Woggy:

Meanwhile and apropos absolutely nothing at all, this training video has recently been getting some attention (health warning contains strong language)
Where to buy a Golli? Good question.

The species is under threat.

Too many predators you see.

In the UK the controversial curios are on display at Wizzard, part of the Albert Dock complex in Liverpool.

Trading standards officials have apparently visited Wizzard and advised staff the Golli lad is likely to cause offence to customers. But they had the grace to admit they had no power to confiscate them.

So try calling Wizzard on +44 (0)151 709 0113. The may do mailorder.

A Golliclubber adds
Definitely by mail through:
or try:
The Ginger Pop Shop in Dorset

A Golliclubber's further source

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Join The Golliwogg Club

By popular demand Florence Kate Upton the authoress of that 1894 classic: "The Adventures Of Two Dutch Dolls And A Golliwogg!" has posthumously blessed those who would revive her work.

While she freely admits that "in this tale, I set out initially to describe the Golliwogg as 'a horrid sight, the blackest gnome'," she did subsequently repent and "made him good, loveable and brave, giving him a 'kind face'."

So began a tale which led to the breakfast table thanks to a wellknown jam maker who turned Golliwogg into Golliwog launching generations of Golly collectors .

Tell us your Golliwogg/Golliwog experiences

Join The Golliwogg Club, help us revive an 1894 classic.